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Since 2003, when we started our website, we have collected results of 2725 shows, from 24 countries with 5697 Borzois, judged by 708 judges from 60 countries illustrated with 17003 pictures.
Thanks a lot to everyone who contributes or have contributed.

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Belgian Borzoi Special 2024

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16-2-2025 Bologna/IT CAC CACIB Emilia Winner - 1xCAC 3xCACIB - CACIB III   
Mr. Cotugno Arnaldo/IT

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15-2-2025 Bologna/IT CAC CACIB Emilia Winner - 1xCAC 3xCACIB - CACIB II   
Mr. Kucera Tomas/CZ

14-2-2025 Bologna/IT CAC CACIB Emilia Winner - 1xCAC 3xCACIB - CACIB I   
Mr. Robertson Gavin/UK

14-2-2025 Bologna/IT CAC Emilia Winner - 1xCAC 3xCACIB - CAC   
Mr. Grillo Juan/CO

16-2-2025 Brno/CZ CAC CACIB Duo CACIB   
Mr. Boieck Stefan/DE

15-2-2025 Brno/CZ CAC CACIB Duo CACIB   
Mr. Western Michael/IE

9-2-2025 Budapest/HU CAC CACIB FeHoVa Winter Dogshow 3xCACIB - CACIB III   
Mrs. Juhasz Csilla/HU

8-2-2025 Budapest/HU CAC CACIB FeHoVa Winter Dogshow 3xCACIB - CACIB II   
Mrs. Liljekvist-Borg Eva/SE

7-2-2025 Budapest/HU CAC CACIB Agár Winter Winner Show 2025   
Dr. Gólián-Béres Ágnes/HU

6-2-2025 Budapest/HU CAC CACIB FeHoVa Winter Dogshow 3xCACIB - CACIB I   
Mr. Novák Dániel/HU

8-2-2025 Bastia Umbra/IT CAC CACIB    
Mr. Montefusco Claudio/IT

9-2-2025 Bourges/FR CACS CACIB    
Mr. Barenne Roger/FR

2-2-2025 Casale Monferrato/IT CAC CACIB    
Mrs. Salamon Ludovica/IT

1-2-2025 Casale Monferrato/IT CAC CACIB    
Mr. Passerino Vittorio Giacomo/IT

2-2-2025 Cavalaire/FR CACS    
Mr. Chapiro Boris/FR

1-2-2025 Moeskroen/BE CAC CACIB    
Mr. Dehaes Louis/BE

26-1-2025 Nitra/SK CAC CACIB Carnival Cup - 3xCACIB - CACIB III   
Mrs. Rogowska Ana/PL

25-1-2025 Nitra/SK CAC CACIB Carnival Cup - 3xCACIB - CACIB II   
Mr. Piskay Vladimir/SK

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24-1-2025 Nitra/SK CAC CACIB Carnival Cup - 3xCACIB - CACIB I   
Mr. Smékal Dalibor/CZ

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26-1-2025 Cesena/IT CAC CACIB Romagna Winner 2xCAC - 2xCACIB - CACIB II   
Mr. Lokodi Csaba Zolt/RO

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25-1-2025 Cesena/IT CAC Romagna Winner 2xCAC - 2xCACIB - CAC II   
Mr. Marabotto Marco/IT

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24-1-2024 Cesena/IT CAC Romagna Winner 2xCAC - 2xCACIB - CAC I   
Mr. Wilberg Leif-Herman/NO

24-1-2025 Cesena/IT CAC CACIB Romagna Winner 2xCAC - 2xCACIB - CACIB I   
Mr. Bottagisio Pietro/IT

19-1-2025 Celje/SI CAC CACIB    
Mr. Sinko Stefan/SI

18-1-2025 Celje/SI CAC CACIB    
Mrs. Doppelreiter Maria-Louise/AT

... all results ...

 •••   Work in progress  •••  Previous results

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8-12-2024 Brno/CZ CAC Christmas National Dog Show     
3-3-2012 Groningen/NL CAC CACIB      
18-3-2012 Leiden/NL CAC CACIB      
9-4-2012 Leeuwarden/NL CAC CACIB      
22-4-2012 Goes/NL CAC CACIB      
... all previous results ...
© All content and photos are property of if not mentioned differently on the results page
This homepage is dedicated to the memory of a 'once in a lifetime' Borzoi, unique and exceptionnel, Piatoi Polozovich de Xanishka, a born winner and multichampion; the one and only Borzoi in the history of the Belgian cynology who has won Best in Show (in 2002) and Best Sighthound (in 2003 en in 2004) at the only annual Brussels Dog Show.
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